viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

Week 8: October 7th to the 14th

hi everyone,
As you know there are some interactive activities on the science book web page. During the following week we will be reviewing everything we have learned during the last 7 weeks. That is why I would like you to check out and/or do the following activities:

Chapter 1
- Comparing Plant and Animal Cells
- Amazing Human Body

Chapter 2
-Form and Function
-What Are Vertebrates and Invertebrates (This one will get you to another page with different links to explore, you don't have to do them all, just if you have time to learn more, I promisse you that they're woth it... I recommend you )
-How Do Animals Grow and Reproduce (This one also have several links... check them out)

 Chapter 3:
- Inside a Flower
-Root Factory
-Vascular Plants

Chapter 4:
- Mitosis
-Cell Inspector
-Animal Adaptations

Chapter 5
-Fun with Food Webs

In case you forgot how to access this page, here I explain you how:
first you have to go to the web page:
then select learning site, choose "other" for state and click go (like I showed you today)
Now you have to click on the "5" to enter to 5th grade's activities

Remember that you have until next Monday 17th to check this activities out.
Also, Miss Anaix asked me to tell you the pages of the spanish blogs
Have a great weekend.... I'll see you on Monday
Take care,
Ms. Laura

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