martes, 19 de junio de 2012


Estimado Padre de Familia
Por medio de este conducto nos es grato saludarle y a la vez comunicarle que  con el objetivo de fomentar en nuestros alumnos el hábito de la lectura, la Secretaría de Educación nos proporciono unas antologías para cada uno de los alumnos y la cual fue entregada en calidad de préstamo para ser devuelta al finalizar este ciclo escolar. Le solicitamos haga enterga de este libro en la recepción del colegio a partir de las 8:00 a.m. a la 1:00 p.m., a partir del día 19 al 22 de junio.
Esto es con el fin de que el siguiente ciclo 2012-2013, el alumno tenga la oportunidad de disfrutar de este excelente libro y otro alumno también.
Saludos cordiales
Ms. Laura García´

PD. Favor de hacer caso omiso en caso de ya haber entregado este libro. GRACIAS

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

5B English Study Guide

Remember to study from your notebook, the review that we made this previous week.

Unit Lessons Pages
7.1 Adverbs 246
7.2 Comparing with adverbs 250
7.3 Adjective and Adverb 252
7.4 Negatives 254
7.5 Prepositions 256
7.6 Prepositions phrases 258
7.7 Pronouns in prepositional phrases 262
7.8 Adverb or preposition? 264

good luck :D

martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

Oral Reading 5B exam

This time, you will practice your oral reading and you will be evaluated  using the rubric below. 
Ask someone else to hear your oral reading, and together complete the rubric to practice and discover how good you are reading.


5B Science Oral Exam

Hi everyone!
As you know this school year is about to come to an end.
This bimester, Science is going to be evaluated differently:
*Students are required to make a research and prepare an oral exposition about a specific topic that has been given by list number: 
  1. computer
  2. science fair finalist
  3. science fair finalist
  4. television
  5. science fair finalist
  6. cars
  7. refrigerator
  8. compass
  9. elevator
  10. steam machine
  11. x-ray
  12. microwave
  13. cellphone
  14. science fair finalist
  15. telephone
  16. science fair finalist
  17. storage devices
  18. air conditioner
  19. none
  20. communication satellite
  21. air plane
  22. bulb
  23. cameras
  24. microscope
  25. telescope
  26. internet
  27. science fair finalist
*Students have to send their research report (Microsoft Word) and presentation (Power Point) to my e-mail: by the due date which is on Wednesday May 23rd.
*Science Oral Expositions will be held on May 28th, May 29th, and May 30th
***The chart below shows you the aspects you need to consider at the moment to make your reasearch and presentation:

Remember to prepare an atractive, organized and colorful Power Point Presentation to show to their classmates their research. Slides dof your PPP must not be full of text.Students are not allowed to read during their expositions. Use  pictures and include one or two key words about the picture for each slide. Your research must be explained with your own words.
* E-mail me if you have questions or approach me at school anytime. :D

jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

4th Bimester Study Guide

Hi guys, here is the 3B Study guide... This is the schedule:
SCIENCE on Monday, April 16th
ENGLISH on Tuesday, April 17th
READING on Wednesday, April 18th
SPELLING on Thursday, April 19th

Here are the Spelling words to study 

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

3rd Bimester Study Guide

Hi guys, here is the 3B Study guide... This is the schedule:
SCIENCE on Monday, February 13th
ENGLISH on Tuesday, February 14th
READING on Wednesday, February 15th
SPELLING on Thursday, February 16th

Here are the Spelling words to study